There are many ministry opportunities at The Greater Life Church and we would love to have you serving with us! A ministry volunteer is defined as an individual who freely gives their time and talents to assist The Greater Life Church in the accomplishment of its mission. Ten Reasons to Serve
Volunteer Form
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Important Qualities of a Volunteer
- Value. Sees the God-given value in every person and seeks to serve and minister to each person in such a way as to reflect the significance that God places on them.
- Opportunity. Sees ministry as an opportunity to positively impact the lives of others and advance the Kingdom of God through his/her service.
- Loving. Serves in such a way that people know and feel God’s love and care by how the ministry attends them.
- Unity. Seeks to promote and protect the unity of the church by serving with others toward accomplishing the ministry’s shared vision and mission.
- Nurturing. Uses every opportunity to encourage and support those to whom they are called to minister.
- Trustworthy. Can be depended on to handle confidential matters appropriately so that the best interest of the church and its members are protected.
- Ethical. Committed to live and function with the highest ethical standards so that no dishonor is brought to God’s name or the church.
- Excellence. Committed to offer superior service to those to whom they minister so that God’s glory is being reflected through their ministry.
- Reliable. Can be depended on to faithfully fulfill their ministry obligations in a timely fashion while maintaining high level communication with their Deacon and Staff Liaison.
- Servanthood. Strive to go the extra mile in their service to others so that the church can have a maximum impact in the lives of those we serve.